The Founders

Dr. James Lam

Dr. James Lam is a well-respected family physician, now retired after practicing in Orillia, Ontario, Canada for more than four decades. He was born in Hong Kong in 1944, and moved to Canada in 1961 to study medicine. He became a believer in God in 1981 while a patient in the Grimsby hospital. It has been his lifelong mission to alleviate human suffering and serve his God. Along with other doctors and surgeons, he spent substantial time during the past 20 years in the People’s Republic of China with EMAS (the Evangelical Medical Aid Society), helping to modernize China’s Christian hospitals. China’s government has recognized this group’s work and referred to the organization a “good friend of China”;  Dr. Lam’s partner in EMAS was awarded the Companion Order of Canada for the group’s contribution to the Chinese people. Dr. Lam is currently working on two books concerning his life’s journey thus far.  He has also established a non-profit organization to promote the commonalities found in the three global Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.


John R Newton is well-respected artist in the art community, whose commissioned oil paintings and portraits hang in both public and private collections throughout the world. Being a professional painter for over 30 years, his commissions include imaginative art, portraits, landscapes, still life painting, as well as murals, tattoo drawings and restoration art.  J. R. Newton has won numerous awards and was recognized as a finalist at the Art Renewal Centre Competition, in the Imaginative Realism category. Learn more about John and some of his other works at